3 Confidence Hacks to make you more confident in the gym or studio

I was talking to one of our fab LFN ladies after our Power Pilates class yesterday morning and she said she loves how confident she feels after a class & when coming in to the LFN studio. I loved that she made a point of telling me she’s found LFN to be a lot less intimidating and ‘scary’ than other gyms she’s been to in the past! I’m not telling you this to gloat (although, I do think we have the best group fitness community in the world), but because I want to give you my ultimate confidence hacks for when you’re going to a new gym or trying a new way of moving- I know it can be scary!

1.    Turn up the music (loud!)

There’s no denying that music has a lot of power. To really ramp up your confidence play your favourite ‘pump up tunes’ (preferably those over 120 bpm) and play them loud!  Need music inspiration? Check out our LFN confidence & energy boosting  playlist here.  

2.   You don’t have to do it alone

 Often, things are scarier for the first time when we’re on our own. Ask a friend to join you for a new workout class you’re trying or a new walking route you want to check out. It’s WAY more fun with friends if you ask me!

 3.    Do something you think you might actually enjoy & be ‘good’ at

 I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve spoken to women who tell me ‘oh I was just trying this XYZ class a while ago because my doctor told me I had to’ or because their friends were doing it. Enough of that please! Do something that actually excites you. For me, it’s ALWAYS dancing (aka Retro-robics) or our HIIT classes because high energy is what I love. Find what makes your soul sing & try that & see how much more confident you feel & easier it is to get there.

Are you someone who finds it easier or more challenging to find confidence for a workout? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
If you try these hacks, be sure to let me know on Instagram!


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